公路像一条大河,从很远很远的地方流过来,又流向很远很远的地方去。“靠山吃山,靠水吃水,靠公路吃公路”的狭隘观念,几乎成了一些犯罪分子的心理屏障。2001年秋,河南省安阳市警方破获了一起在国道上疯狂资窃机动车辆的盗车大案。当笔者在看守所见到懊悔得痛哭流涕的犯罪嫌疑人时,却忽生疑问:当男人们疯狂作案时,他们的妻子都在做什么? 带着这些疑问,我再次踏上采访之路。经过详细调查了解,在37名犯罪嫌疑人妻子中,参与男人盗窃、销脏的翕8人,无可奈何,听之任之的有12人,被假相迷惑,完全不知情的有4人,断然与男人分手的有7人,而劝夫改邪归正、并投案自首的仅有6人!
The road runs like a river, far and far, and far and far. “The backdrop of eating mountains, eating water and eating roads by road” has become a psychological barrier for some criminals. The fall of 2001, Anyang City, Henan Province, police cracked together on the State Road crazy theft of motor vehicle theft case. When I was in the detention center to see the regret was crying runny suspects, but suddenly asked: When men crazy crime, what are their wives? With these questions, I once again set foot on the interview. After a detailed investigation, of the 37 suspect wives, eight of the 37 suspect wives who participated in the theft and sales of men were helpless. Twelve were left unwittingly confused and totally uninformed. Four people broke up with men categorically There are 7 people, and persuade husband to repented, and surrendered only 6!