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结识本文作者杨艳萍是前不久在北京举办的“贫困地区农村妇女扫盲工作经验交流会”上,当时会场里一个抱着吃奶弦子的回族妇女深深吸引了大家的目光,后来知道她是因为扫盲和教学工作突出而作为教师的代表来参会的。当时我一直有些纳闷:本来是师范院校毕业,看上去那么年轻的她怎么就在风沙漫漫的艰苦的地方一教就是9年还痴心不改呢?和她聊天时,她三句话离不开自己所在的那个大西北偏远小学校里的学生,给我讲她刚到学校时一个孩子用黑乎乎的小手给她送热腾腾的大饼时的情景……因为时间仓促,我没有听她讲完那些珍藏的小故事,我跟她约稿,她说试试吧。后来没想到她给我发来了电子稿,稿子看到一半我就感受到里面蕴含的激情所在。再后来我知道她发邮件那天正赶上沙尘暴肆虐,她要赶到四十多里以外镇上的朋友那里发邮件,朋友劝她等风沙过去再回去,而她说还有课没讲完呢。终于,我知道她痴心不改的原因了…… Meet the author Yang Yanping was held in Beijing not long ago “rural women in poverty-stricken areas of literacy work experience exchange ”, at that time a Hui woman holding a grandson of the deep attracted everyone’s attention, and later that she was Because of the prominent literacy and teaching work as a teacher’s representative to attend the meeting. At that time, I had some wonder: I was originally a graduate school, looks so young how she was in a long and difficult place to teach a wind is 9 years still silly do not change it? And her chatting, she did not say a few words The student in the remote northwest elementary school where I was living, told me about the scene when a child gave her a hot pie with a black hand when she first arrived at school ... I did not listen to her because of the time constraints Finished those little stories, I told her a draft, she said to try it. Later did not think she sent me an electronic draft manuscript to see half I feel inside the passion. And then I knew that she was caught up with sandstorms on her email that day, and she wanted to send her emails to friends outside her town for more than forty miles. Friends urged her to wait for the sand to go back and she said there was still no class to finish. . Finally, I know the reason why she is silly ...
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