2002年公路客运业绩喜人。据统计,2002年本市省际公路旅客发送量达2045.6万人次,与上一年相比增长35.7%。本市公路客运已连续四年保持两位数的增长:1999、2000、2001年公路旅客发送量分别为957.1万、1126.5万、1506.1万人次,比上一年分别增长28.7%、17.6%、33.7%,增幅之大在各种运输方式中力拔头筹。公路客运在综合运输中的份额已从“九五”初的9.6%上升至2002年的27.5%。 上海近年来商务会展、旅游等综合功能的开发以及作为长江三角洲经济中心地位的形成,是公路客运量持续大
Highway passenger traffic in 2002 was impressive. According to statistics, in 2002, the passenger volume of provincial inter-provincial highways reached 20.456 million, an increase of 35.7% compared with the previous year. The number of highway passenger transport in 1999, 2000 and 2001 were 9,571,000, 11,265,000 and 15,061,000 respectively, up by 28.7%, 17.6% and 33.7 respectively over the previous year %, A great increase in various modes of transport in the lead. The share of road passenger transport in integrated transport has risen from 9.6% in early 1995 to 27.5% in 2002. Shanghai In recent years, the development of comprehensive functions such as business exhibitions and tourism as well as the formation of an economic center in the Yangtze River Delta have been the key to the continued growth of highways