目的: 探讨支气管内膜结核EBTB的临床特征和早期确诊手段。方法:回顾分析102例经纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)确诊的EBTB患者的临床表现、胸部影像学表现、纤支镜检查结果。结果: 本组中位年龄39岁,男女比例为1∶1.3。临床症状以顽固性干咳、气促为主65例,血痰为主19例,喘鸣为主12例,有结核中毒症状26例,无明显症状6例。胸部影像学资料无明显异常27例。纤支镜检查示:左侧多于右侧,47%的病例以瘢痕狭窄为主,溃疡或坏死为主13%,肉芽增生为主16%,黏膜炎性病变为主24%。全部病例经纤支镜病理活检和(或)刷检找抗酸杆菌确诊。结论: EBTB缺乏特异性的临床表现,胸部影像学检查正常并不能排除EBTB,纤支镜检查是确诊EBTB最重要的手段。
Objective: To investigate the clinical features and early diagnosis of bronchial tuberculosis (EBTB). Methods: A retrospective analysis of 102 cases of bronchoscopy (fiber bronchoscopy) confirmed EBTB patients with clinical manifestations, chest imaging findings, bronchoscopy results. Results: The median age of the group was 39 years. The male-female ratio was 1: 1.3. Clinical symptoms of intractable dry cough, shortness of breath based 65 cases, mainly bloody sputum in 19 cases, mainly 12 cases of wheezing, tuberculosis poisoning symptoms in 26 cases, no obvious symptoms in 6 cases. Thoracic imaging data showed no abnormalities in 27 cases. Bronchoscopy showed more left than the right, 47% of cases were mainly stenosis, 13% were ulcer or necrosis, 16% were granulomatous hyperplasia, and 24% were mucosal inflammatory lesions. All cases were confirmed by pathological biopsy and / or brush examination of acid-fast bacilli. CONCLUSION: EBTB lacks specific clinical manifestations. Normal chest imaging can not rule out EBTB. Bronchofibroscopy is the most important means of diagnosing EBTB.