The author divided the inhabitants of a certain place in Uganda into two groups. The experimental group was moderate or highly enlarged spleen; in the control group, the spleen failed to reach or swollen enlarged. Serum IgG and IgM levels were determined simultaneously in both groups. Fluorescently labeled antibodies were also prepared using pure IgG and pure IgM. Titers of serum from two groups of patients against P. falciparum and Plasmodium malariae were determined. The results of the two groups of residents in serum IgG levels and two kinds of Plasmodium antibody titers no significant difference, but the content of IgM and its antibody against Plasmodium falciparum, splenomegaly group were significantly higher than the control group . The authors believe that patients with tropical splenic mastitis antibody titers higher than those without splenomegalosis has been confirmed for the predecessors, splenomegaly