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  高中英语网络课Heal the earth 教案
  Teaching aims: Ss are expected to learn the definition, causes, effects and solutions of global warming;
  Ss are expected to find the useful information through the Internet;
  Ss are expected to know the importance of leading a sustainable low-carbon life for our planet and take action to heal the earth.
  Teaching difficulties: How to deal with the time assigned for Ss to surf the Internet and make comments;
  How to deal with the interaction between Ts and Ss.
  Teaching methods: Multi-media, Internet, blackboard, blog (Http://zzzxlee.blog.163.com).
  Teaching procedures:
  Step1 Lead-in (5min)
  “First, I’d like to show you a video about our earth.” (Video1地球状况)
  “As we can feel, our earth is becoming hotter and hotter that we have experienced its frightening power -- damaging weather, like tornado, sand storm, rain storm, floods. What’s more, there has been a series of earthquakes occurring in Haiti, Chile(智利), and Yushu in Qinghai, China, and volcano in Iceland as well since 2010. What’s wrong with our earth?” (PPT)
  Ss discuss and answer.
  “Yes, it is related to global warming/ climate change. Today, we’ll learn something about global warming and then see what we can do to help our earth.”
  Step2 The definition of global warming (5min)
  “But what is global warming? Please open my blog (Http://zzzxlee.blog.163.com) and find the journal with the title ‘What is global warming’. You’d better surf the Internet through Baidu or Google for the definition and then show your findings in the forum. Before we do that, let me introduce you some rules.”
  Rule1 Select the useful information found from the Internet;
  Rule2 Write down your findings and explanations in the forum;
  Rule3 Use your real name when making comments;
  Rule4 Be brave!
  Ss start to surf the Internet for the definition of global warming and share the findings in the forum.
  Ts select the useful information from the forum and give the definition through PPT.
  Step3 The causes of global warming (8min)
  “It is said that temperature in the past fifty years is twice as high as that in the past century. But what caused global warming? That’s the next question. Find the journal with the title of ‘The causes of global warming’ Here is a short passage. I’d like you to read it and try to write down the main causes in the forum.”
  Ss start to read the material and share the findings in the forum.
  Ts select the useful information from the forum and give the two causes of global warming through PPT.
  Then Ts show a video on how the 2 greenhouse gases work. (Video2 全球变暖原理)
  Step4 The effects of global warming (10min)
  “From the video, we can see that green house gases can stay in the atmosphere for an amount of years ranging from decades to hundreds and thousands of years. No matter what we do, global warming is going to have some effects on Earth. Here are 2 websites recommended for you to find out the effects of global warming. (http://www.sharenator.com/5_Deadliest_Effects_of_Global_Warming/, http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2007/09/climate_100.html). After learning, you can share your findings in the forum. This is task1.
  Ss start to read the material from the two websites and share the findings in the forum.
  Ts select the useful information from the forum and give the main effects of global warming through PPT.
  “In order to check whether you’ve got the effects, I’d like you to finish task2. Please match the effects of global warming with the right pictures.”
  Ss start to do the match and share the answers in the forum.
  Ts select the useful information from the forum and give the right answer through PPT.
  Step5 The solutions of global warming (15min)
  “Facing these,are we just being negative? So what is the solution? Just like what you said, the main cause of global warming is CO2. Can we reduce the amount of CO2? Maybe a low-carbon living is the key. But how to lead a low-carbon life? Ok, I’d like to show you another video to see the action of our world against global warming.” (Video3 Earth hour from the blog)
  “This is what the whole world is doing at the very moment. But what can we do in our daily life? Here are some recommendations to get you started at home or offices, driving, even flying in your daily life. Start from the following aspects each day, each week or each month and share your suggestions on how to do it in the forum.”
  *Heating (暖气) conservation
  *Electricity conservation
  *Water savings
  *Food and the fridge
  *Driving tips
  *Flying tips
  *At the office/ classroom
  Ss start to find the material from the Internet and share their opinions in the forum.
  Ts select the useful suggestions from the forum and give the solutions of global warming through PPT.
  Step6 Conclusion (2min)
  “The issue of global warming is not about what country you are from; it’s about what planet you are from. And it is not about switching off lights for only one hour once a year; it’s about working together to create a sustainable low carbon future for our planet each day. So, take action from now on! Finally, let’s finish our class in the song ‘Heal the world’ by Michael Jackson. Try to sing together.”
  Ss sing together to the music.
随着课程改革的进一步推进,尤其是美术教育观的提出,现在的美术课对学生的要求也提高了,尤其注重学生创新精神和技术意识的培养。在知识经济时代,创新精神是社会成员最重要的心理品质之一,而美术教学过程的情趣性表现活动的自由性和评价标准的多样性,提供了创造活动最适宜的环境,那么在美术课的教学中如何去培养学生的创新精神呢?我将从以下几个方面来实现:    一、审美能力的创新  课程标准指出:“情感性是美术的一
生活离不开数学,数学离不开生活。生活化的数学知识学生都比较喜欢,所有的小学数学知识都可以生活化,小学数学的课堂教学应该是生活化的课堂教学,教师应尽量寻找身边的数学。在小学数学教学中,如果能够根据小学生的认知特点,将数学知识与学生的生活实际紧密结合,那么,在他们的眼里,数学将是一门看得见、摸得着、用得上的学科,不再是枯燥乏味的数字游戏。    一、创设生活情景,引入新知  在数学教学过程中,教师如果
学会学习,终身学习的观念我国自古有之,“授人以鱼”不如“授人以渔”、未来的社会将是学习化的社会。要学会生存,就要学会学习。“学会学习”是从学习方法的意义上说的,即“善学”与“不善学”的问题。“不善学,虽勤而功半”;“善学者,师逸而功倍”。善于学习与不善于学习、学习得法与学习不得法会导致两种不同的学习效果。    一、分层设计 让学生能学  新课程改革的核心思想是:“面向全体,因材施教”“使每一个学
教师根据教学内容及学生的探究需要和获得新体验的需要,创设各种不同的教育情境,就能使学生获得更加丰富的体验。教学中教师应尽可能给学生提供观察、思考的机会;参与、表现的机会;动手操作实践的机会,注意学生的亲身体验。学生的知识不是“灌”的,而是通过体验“悟”出来的,学生的学习不是去复制别人的数学,而是努力建构自己的数学。正所谓“纸上得来终觉浅,心中悟出始知深,绝知此事须躬行”。 只有这样,“不同的人在数
一、追求热闹,缺乏活动的目标性  [案例1] 牛津小学英语5A Unit3 At a Music lesson   这节课主要教学单词swim, dance, sing, ski, skate以及句型I can… What can you do? I can…课一开始,授课老师播放了一首《Fruit song》,要求学生跟着做相应的动作,学生很积极得跟着录像边唱边做,欢快的节奏,动情的表演,一下子
近年的作文教学总出现困惑,好像不管怎么细致、全面地讲解、分析、示范,许多学生的作文仍是“言不由衷”、“词不达意”,出现或文字不通顺,或意思不连贯,或表达无分寸的“悲惨结局”,面对屡禁不止、屡纠不改的现状,我认真反思、剖析,终于明白,原来多数的习作训练还是没能走出围绕技巧绕圈子的格局,也就是说训练没有真正地落实到点子上——培养学生的语感能力。  在写作教学种怎样来培养和发展学生的语感能力呢?本人在小
传统的体育教学导致不少学生缺乏自主学习的能力,对教师的依赖性非常大,不会根据自己的需要和兴趣主动学习。因此,自主学习在体育教学中是很有必要的,首先,它是奠定学生终身体育的基础。我们要求学生“德、智、体”全面发展,让学生成为终身体育者,通过自主学习,让他们学会自我锻炼的方法,培养正确的体育健康观。在实际教学中,应该从以下几个方面入手:     一、建立平等的师生关系  平等的师生关系,是指教师和学生