(2 0 0 3年 8月 2 0日 ) 一、充分认识中小学人事制度改革工作面临的形势省委、省政府对基础教育工作历来十分重视 ,把“普九”工作作为推进我省社会经济发展的基础工程来抓 ,在政策和投入上给予了极大支持 ,2 0 0 1年又召开了全省基础教育工作会议 ,出台了《省政府贯彻〈国
(August 20, 2003) 1. Fully understand the situation facing the reform of the personnel system in primary and secondary schools The provincial party committee and the provincial government have always attached great importance to basic education, taking the “Puguang nine” work as a way to promote social and economic development in our province. The basic project of development has been given great support in terms of policies and investment. In 2001, the province’s basic education work conference was held and the “Provincial Government implemented