绿色转型,创责任导向企业王牌 斯坦福大学教授Dr.Vincent F.Yip与龙阳伟业董事长王伟访谈录

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中国,正处在一个重要的历史关头。每一个时代都有她不得不面对的深刻主题,每一个时代的人物都有她不可推卸的历史使命!梁启超曾把再造中国的希望,寄语青年,谓之《少年中国说》,鲁迅曾将以赤子之躯勇于肩负变革闸门的人谓之“中国的脊梁”。毋庸置疑,当今日中国跃升为世界第二大经济体的同时,也面临诸如资源日益短缺,环境破坏严重,贫富差距悬殊,社会道德滑坡等一系列严峻挑战。对中国企业家来说,如何顺应世界绿色经济大潮,立足产业转型与变革实践,在实现企业永续经营的同时,如何更自觉的承担一个企业和企业家的历史使命,无疑是一个紧迫的时代课题,也是机遇与挑战并存的创新舞台。正是带着对上述问题的思考,本刊记者特别访问 China is at an important historical juncture. Every era has her profound theme that she has to face, and her characters in every age have her unshirkable historical mission. Liang Qichao once described the hope of rebuilding China and youth as “young China” and “ People who are brave enough to shoulder the gates of change belong to the ”backbone of China." Undoubtedly, while China today has jumped to become the second largest economy in the world, it is also facing a series of harsh challenges such as a growing shortage of resources, serious environmental damage, disparity between the rich and the poor, and social moral decline. For Chinese entrepreneurs, how to comply with the global tide of green economy, based on industrial restructuring and change practice, how to fulfill the historical mission of a company and entrepreneur more consciously while realizing the sustainable management of the enterprise is undoubtedly an urgent era Task, but also opportunities and challenges coexist in the innovation arena. It is with the above questions, our correspondents specially visited
每位教师在教授学生时都会遇到问题学生,本文就自身经验浅谈对问题学生的教育问题。 Each teacher in the teaching of students will encounter problems students, this a
品牌营销已经从一对多、一对一过渡到多对多的链式反应时代。随着科学技术以及消费者媒体行为不断发生变化,市场营销也经历着从 Marketing1.0到 Marketing2.0的转变,而不同
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目的研究三磷酸腺苷结合盒转运蛋白G2基因(adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette transporter protein G2 gene,ABCG2)在原发性痛风性关节炎(gouty arthritis,GA)患者中