Zhao × ×, female, 45 years old, teacher. Due to a headache, vomiting for three days, confusion day, March 9, 1989 admission. Three days before admission, no obvious incentive for patients with dizziness, headache, after the occipital for, but still able to work. Increased headache the next day, with nausea and vomiting. Symptomatic treatment does not ease. The third morning the patient felt more headache than drama, drowsiness did not get up at night when the family came back and found the patient lying in bed, unconscious, there are many vomit. Emergency into Kuancheng Hospital, diagnosis is unknown, transferred to our hospital. Past health. Take short-acting oral contraceptives (18 A compound) a year and a half. Physical examination: 37.4 ℃, BP100 / 80mmHg, no significant abnormal medical examination. Shallow coma, pressure orbital to degenerative brain state. Left pupil slightly larger than the right (left 5.0mm,