【摘 要】
With the rapid popularization of logistics management specialty in higher vocational colleges and the development of international logistics, logistics professional English courses are gradually opened up in all relevant colleges and universities, and their importance has gained more and more attention. However, the current logistics professional English teaching varies greatly, most do not have a clear teaching goal combined with practice, dull teaching methods, little interest in students, and poor teaching effectiveness.
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摘 要:学生骨干队伍在高校教育管理中发挥着积极作用,但在学生骨干队伍中,存在着一些不容忽视的问题。本文就学生骨干队伍中存在的问题进行了剖析,并提出了针对性的对策。 关键词:高职院校;学生骨干队伍;培养 高校学生骨干队伍是高校教育管理工作中的中坚力量,是学生实现自我管理、自我教育、自我服务的组织者、管理者和实施者,也是传递师生信息、沟通师生感情的桥梁和纽带。如何打造一支作风正、素质高、业务精、师
Background. Traditionally, hysterectomy is considered definitive therapy for cervical adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) in women beyond childbearing. Case. A 45-year
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摘要:文章从主位结构和衔接两方面分析杰克·伦敦的《在亚当之前》及其汉译文,采用语篇功能分析方法,以期检验语篇功能在翻译研究和评估中的可行性和可操作性, 以指导我们的语篇分析和翻译研究。 关键词:语篇功能;《在亚当之前》;主述位;衔接 一、引言 杰克·伦敦是美国著名小说家,他的很多作品深受儿童,文学家和翻译家的喜爱。其短篇小说《在亚当之前》也是其中之一。全文共十八章,简短生动有趣。