慈菇,泽泻科,是多年生草本植物,平乐县种植面积大,是桥亭乡的特色农产品,近年来产品销路不错,经济效益良好。为掌握慈菇的高产栽培管理技术,进一步拓展增产潜力,就定植时间、规格对产量的影响进行了试验研究。试验结果表明,要获得高产,除要选择优良品种、加强田间管理之外,适时定植、合理密植亦是关键的技术措施。在8月20日左右定植,插植规格30.00 cm×60.00 cm时更有利于提高产量。
Sagittaria, Alisma Branch, is a perennial herb, Pingle County, planting area, is the characteristics of agricultural products Qiaoting Township, in recent years, sales of good products, good economic returns. To master Sagittaria high-yielding cultivation and management techniques to further expand the yield potential, on the planting time, the impact of specifications on the yield of a pilot study. The test results show that in order to obtain high yield, in addition to select good varieties, strengthen field management, timely planting, planting density is also a key technical measure. In August 20 or so planting, planting specifications 30.00 cm × 60.00 cm is more conducive to raising production.