日光顯微放映鏡是我校图书教師康授璋在學校行政的支持鼓励下,經多次試驗改進而創製成功的。此教具的特點是經济、簡單、方便、效果良好;在沒有顯微鏡設備的學校,用它來代替显微鏡,可以觀察各种切片及微小的東西,如血球、鳥的細小絨毛等,對中小学生物教學上有很大幫助。茲將其製作原理、方法及如何使用等分述如下: 一.制做原理:用凸透鏡會聚日光加强光度作為光源,照射切片,用自製的玻璃球作为鏡頭,造成較大的實像映在幕上。二.需用的材料:破玻璃片,凸透鏡一個,普通水銀小鏡二個及一些馬糞紙或木板。
Sun Microscope projection mirror is Kang Shuzhang my school teacher in the school administrative support and encouragement, after many trial and improvement and creation success. This teaching aids is characterized by economic, simple, convenient, good effect; in the absence of microscope equipment in schools, use it instead of the microscope, you can observe a variety of slices and tiny things, such as blood cells, birds, small villi, etc. Primary biology teaching is very helpful. The production principle, method and how to use it are as follows: 1. Making principle: Use the convex lens to gather the daylight to intensify the brightness as the light source, irradiate the slice and use the homemade glass ball as the lens, resulting in a larger real image on the curtain . Two. Required materials: broken glass, a convex lens, ordinary mercury mirror two and some manure paper or wood.