“竭尽绵薄,报效嘉纺”。这是四川喜纺集团董事长、党委书记任大德挂在案头上的座佑铭。60年代纺织专业毕业的任大德,正是以这样的自勉,几十年来把自己的心血和汗水,倾注于纺织,报效于嘉纺,使嘉纺集团在全行业处于困境的情况下,连续三年实现盈利,集团主体企业南充棉纺织厂连续7年盈利,年均实现利税1300多万元,去年利税突破2000万元,成为纺织行业中一道亮丽的春色。 作为目前南充市纺织龙头企业“掌
“Make every effort to serve the Jia spinning.” This is Sichuan Xi-Fang Group Chairman, Party Secretary Ren Dadu hanging on the desk motto. 60 years of textile graduation Ren Dadu, it is such a self-encouragement, decades of their painstaking efforts and sweat, devoted to the textile, to serve in Jia textile, so that Jia Textile Group in the industry in trouble, the case of three consecutive Year profit, the main group of enterprises Nanchong cotton textile mill profit for 7 consecutive years, with an average annual profit and tax of more than 1300 million, profits and taxes last year exceeded 20 million yuan, a bright spring in the textile industry. Nanchong City, as the current textile enterprises "palm