去年11月笔者随国家建筑材料工业局组织的小砌块考察团赴民主德国进行了工作访问。民主德国发展小型砼空心砌块巳有20多年的历史,目前年产量达到9.3亿块(标准块 NF240×300×238mm),折合1590万米~3,占全国房建墙体材料用量的30%以上。计划到1990年,年产量达到10亿块,折合1700万米~3。民主德国的小砌块主要用于三层以下的住宅建筑,故砌块标号仅有25、50两种标号(抗压强度分别为2.5和5兆帕)。近年来,由于对建筑的保温性能和节能要求日益提高,除了大
In November last year, the author visited the Democratic Germany with a small block inspection team organized by the National Building Materials Industry Bureau. The German Democratic Development Small-sized hollow block has a history of more than 20 years. At present, its annual output reaches 930 million pieces (standard block NF240×300×238mm), equivalent to 15.9 million meters~3, accounting for 30% of the total domestic building wall material usage. the above. It is planned that by 1990, the annual output will reach 1 billion, equivalent to 17 million meters to 3 years. Democracy Germany’s small blocks are mainly used in residential buildings below three levels, so the block number is only 25, 50 two kinds of labels (compressive strength of 2.5 and 5 MPa, respectively). In recent years, due to the increasing requirements for insulation performance and energy saving of buildings,