935031是山东省农业科学院作物研究所以鲁麦13为母本、临汾5064为父本,经有性杂文选育而成的小麦新品系。 一、特征特性 该品系属冬性,幼苗半匍匐,耐寒性好,分蘖力强,成穗率高。株高80—85厘米,穗纺锤形。植株繁茂,株型优良,叶色浓
935031 is a new wheat line derived from the sibling of sowing breeds of Lumai 13 and Linfen 5064 in the Crop Research Institute of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. First, the characteristics and characteristics of the strains are winter, seedlings semi-prostrate, cold tolerance, tillering ability, into a high ear rate. Height 80-85 cm, spindles spindle. Lush plants, good plant type, dark leaf color