How Popular Sky Lantern Festivals Can Pose a Threat to Animals and the Environment 放天灯对动物与环境的危害

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  The sight of lighted lanterns slowly drifting up into the night sky can create a beautiful, magical scene. You’ve likely heard of the popular festivals where hundreds, even thousands of lanterns are released in celebration, or to honor the memory of dear loved ones. Or perhaps you’ve seen them at weddings, graduations, and charity events. Sky lanterns are made of rice paper, string, and a frame of bamboo or wire. When the candle in the lantern is lit, it causes the lantern to rise into the air like a hot air balloon. They might seem fun and harmless, but as we all know, what goes up must also come down, and when they do, these dangerous lanterns can damage the environment and harm animals.
  Sky Lanterns Being Labeled as “Biodegradable1” Is Misleading2.
  The term “biodegradable” has been placed on products for years. You can find biodegradable balloons, paper cups and dishes, and now, sky lanterns. Sure, items marked as biodegradable might eventually break down over time, but it doesn’t always happen as fast as you think. One sky lantern company states that the rice paper will biodegrade3 in a few days once it gets wet (which requires rain), but that the remaining bamboo and string4 will biodegrade “in due time”. So, what does “in due time” mean?
  They’re a Fire Hazard That Destroys Property and Wild Habitats.
  A live flame floating through the air, completely uncontrolled, is incredibly dangerous, yet the people who plan these festivals and sell the products assure people that they’re perfectly safe. The lanterns can fly up to 3,000 feet into the air and stay afloat5 for up to ten minutes, or whenever the flame burns out. But a simple malfunction6 can cause the lantern to hit the ground while it’s still lit.
  Recently, 15 people were severely injured in India when a sky lantern landed on a shop, causing the four neighboring houses to burst into flames. In 2013, the release of a single sky lantern in Washington resulted in a 500-acre wildfire, and it took 100 firefighters to extinguish7 the flames. That same year, a recycling plant was set on fire in the UK because of sky lanterns. The fire was so intense, it took three days to extinguish.   These tragic stories represent just a few of the reported incidents where fires were started by sky lanterns, but it’s certainly enough to show that they’re a hazard. It’s exactly why fire marshals8 have spoken up about the dangers of sky lanterns and why people are working so hard to get them banned. In the U.S., sky lanterns have been banned in 29 states. And many different countries have carried out full bans on these dangerous lanterns.
  This Dangerous Litter Is Harming Animals and the Environment.
  They might look pretty in the sky, but when sky lanterns fall to the ground, they pose a risk to wildlife and domestic9 animals. Particularly, birds can get entangled10 in the string or frames. Wildlife and domestic animals have also been harmed by eating the wire by mistake (when lanterns have landed on farmland), which can damage the throat, stomach, and intestines, leading to immense pain and eventual death. Even the paper itself can cause harm when animals eat it, mistaking it for food.
  After you weigh all of the factors, it’s easy to see that sky lanterns simply aren’t worth the risk. They pose a danger to the environment by starting fires, result in excessive litter that is not only unsightly but can harm animals, and place humans in danger. There are plenty of other things to help raise money, celebrate an event, or memorialize your loved ones. By choosing greener ones you can help keep people, animals, and our beautiful planet safe from harm.
  1. biodegradable adj. 能进行生物降解的
  2. misleading adj. 令人误解的;引入歧途的
  3. biodegrade vt.
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[摘要]思想政治教育的本源应该是社会发展需要与个人发展需要的统一。因此,思想政治教育既要立足于个人的现实需要,促进人的全面发展,也要坚持主导意识形态的统治地位,服从和服务于社会发展。  [关键词]思想政治教育 本源 社会需要 个人需要    思想政治教育源于社会发展的需要——统治阶级维护自身利益的工具    尽管当代学者对思想政治教育的本源问题进行专门探讨的不多,但从诸多论述中还是能够发现,当前大
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摘 要 建设精品资源共享课是提升教学质量的重要举措。适宜高职精品资源共享课程建设思路和方法是,以服务社会作为课程建设理念和功能设置的基准,遵循职业教育规律与学生成长规律重构教学内容,从对精品资源共享课程建设的技术运用视角规范建设教学资源,升级基础资源,开发拓展资源,选择灵活多样的教学方法,开发立体教材,创建基于过程考核的评价体系等。  关键词 高职院校;情报检索;课程建设;资源共享课程  中图分类
[摘 要] 文章通过分析和对比两位教师在一次同课异构活动中同时执教“圆锥曲线统一定义”一课的意义建构这一环节中的教学行为,从而引发教育者对高效教学的思索. 从而,提出教师唯有精心设计教学过程,精致把握教学细节,设计具有启发性的问题,设计具有指向性的活动,并将数学思想的滲透落到实处,才能让学生学会思考和学习,打造高效数学课堂.  [关键词] 同课异构;问题设计;活动设计;数学思想
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