宁夏人民,尤其南部山区群众在长期与疾病作斗争过程中,利用当地中草药,积累了丰富经验。此地有一些用药习惯与内地不同,产生了一些地方习惯用药,但也有一些误传误用,急待纠正。这些情况未见报道,现做如下简要报告,供收购、供应和临床应用时参考。防风宁夏地产防风为伞形科植物内蒙邪蒿Seseli intramongolicum Y.C.Ma的根。产于贺兰山,销于银川、平罗、贺兰、永宁等市县及内蒙的阿拉善盟。当地作防风药用多年,因药材性状与正品防风相似,故一直混用。近年来,为澄清防风的药材品
The people of Ningxia, especially the people in the southern mountainous areas, have accumulated rich experience in the use of local Chinese herbal medicines in the long-term struggle against disease. There are some medication habits in this area that are different from those in the Mainland, and some local medicines have been used. However, there are some misuses and misuses that need to be corrected. These conditions have not been reported. The following brief report is now available for reference in the acquisition, supply, and clinical application. Wind protection Ningxia Real Estate Wind protection is the root of the Umbelliferae plant Seseli intramongolicum Y.C.Ma. Produced in Helan Mountain, sold in Yinchuan, Pingluo, Helan, Yongning and other cities and counties in Inner Mongolia and Alxa League. Windproof medicinal products are used for many years in the local area. Because medicinal properties are similar to genuine wind protection, they have been mixed. In recent years, in order to clarify windproof medicinal products