目的分析2009年甲型和戊型肝炎病毒IgM抗体(抗HAV-IgM和抗HEV-IgM)检测情况。方法收集血清3169份,采用捕获法测抗HAV-IgM和抗HEV-IgM。结果 3169份中,检测抗HAV-IgM者1593份,抗HAV-IgM阳性118份(7.4%);检测抗HEV-IgM者1576份,抗HEV-IgM阳性82份(5.2%)。甲型肝炎高发于第二季度和第四季度,戊型肝炎高发于第一季度和第二季度。甲型肝炎和戊型肝炎均好发于30岁以上的成年人,以男性居多。结论在非流行年份中,尽管抗HAV-IgM和抗HEV-IgM的阳性率相对较低,两型肝炎在一年中均有发病高峰,应引起广泛关注。
Objective To analyze the detection of IgM antibodies against hepatitis A and E (anti-HAV-IgM and anti-HEV-IgM) in 2009. Methods 3169 serum samples were collected and tested for anti-HAV-IgM and anti-HEV-IgM by capture method. Results Among the 3169 samples, 1593 were tested for anti-HAV-IgM and 118 (7.4%) for anti-HAV-IgM. 1576 were tested against HEV-IgM and 82 were tested against HEV-IgM (5.2%). High incidence of hepatitis A in the second quarter and the fourth quarter, hepatitis E high incidence in the first quarter and the second quarter. Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E are common in adults over the age of 30, mostly male. Conclusions In non-endemic years, although the positive rates of anti-HAV-IgM and anti-HEV-IgM are relatively low, both types of hepatitis have peak incidence in one year, which arouse much attention.