《国防教育法》的颁布和“全民国防教育日”的确立,使国防教育工作步入了法制轨道。新形势使全民国防教育工作有不少新的变化。如何有的放矢地强化全民国防教育的组织领导,我认为应从以下几个方面下功夫。 一、严密组织,掌握全民国防教育工作的主动权。首先,要健全领导机构。全民国防教育涉及到社会的方方面面和机关的各
The promulgation of the “National Defense Education Law” and the establishment of the “National Day for National Defense Education” have brought the work of national defense education to the legality of the rule of law. The new situation has brought about many new changes in national defense education. How to strengthen the organization and leadership of the national defense education in a targeted manner, I think we should work hard in the following aspects. I. Closely organize and master the initiative of the entire people in national defense education. First of all, we need to improve the leadership structure. National defense education involves all aspects of society and institutions