昌黎《送穷文》,子云《逐贫赋》,穷不可送,亦不可逐。因缘凑合,坦荡相 处。延之上座,宜敬宜速。相濡以沫,开诚谈吐。斯人憔悴,情深李杜。将老身 累,大彻大悟。 穷居闹市,又近高架桥傍,经常车水马龙,喧嚣污染特甚;杂处闠闤,且多零散住户,来自五湖四海,隔膜孤独乏亲。平昔无交谈之处,遇困少解围之人。节樽开支,量入为出。未装防盗门栅,颇乏安全保障;懒接有线电视,常感荧屏模糊。电话
Changli “to send poor text”, sub-cloud “by poor Fu”, poor can not be sent, nor by the. Cause improvise, magnanimous. Extension of the seat, Yi Jing should speed. With each other, speak honestly. Si haggard, deep love Li Du. The old tired, great thoroughfare. Poor neighborhood downtown, near the viaduct Pong, often busy, noisy pollution is particularly worse; miscellaneous office staggering, and scattered households, from all corners of the globe, the diaphragm lonely lack of pro. No place to talk in the past, the storm surrounded by less people. Cost savings, out of pocket. Not installed security door, quite safe; lazy cable TV, often feeling fuzzy screen. phone