吉有说人生:健康人生 一切有利于自己而又不危及别人的行为,都谓之善行。如早起、讲卫生、勤勉、身体锻炼诸多健康爱好等等。善良之人重视动机,勤俭之人重视过程,务实之人重视结果,都有其道理。应该说,重视过程的人,是更善于享受人生乐趣的人。 从思到行,其间有一个不是人人都能达到的一个过程。有的人,思也思得天花乱坠,可就是不付诸实施,知道早起好,就是摆脱不了地球引力;知道身体越锻炼越
Kyrgyzstan has said that life: healthy life, everything conducive to their own but not endanger the behavior of others, all that good deeds. Such as getting up early, speaking health, diligence, physical exercise many health hobbies and so on. Good people attach importance to motivation, thrifty people value the process, pragmatic people value results, have their truth. It should be said that those who value the process are those who are better at enjoying the pleasures of life. From thinking through, there is a process that can not be achieved by everyone. Some people, thinking also think of all-embracing, but that is not put into practice, knowing that getting up early, that is, can not get rid of the Earth’s gravity; know that the more the body exercise