每一份独特的魅力,都源自设计的不断创新与对品质的执著追求。拥有80多年历史的周生生一直以卓越品质和出众设计见称,近年来更以其敏锐的商业触觉洞悉市场趋势,于各大城市积极布局,深入发展。作为日常配搭的周生生Daily Wear珠宝作品,在2017年春夏赋予了个性鲜明的风尚维度,此番“State Your Style”我的时尚态度全国巡展登陆重庆北城天街购物中心,旨在将精致而摩登的Daily Wear珠宝作品呈现给坚持自我表达、拥有个性魅力的都市人。
Each unique charm, all from the design of continuous innovation and dedication to the pursuit of quality. Chow Sang Sang, which has a history of more than 80 years, has been known for its excellent quality and superior design. In recent years, with its keen business sense, Chow Sang Sang has made insight into market trends and has actively deployed and developed in major cities. As the daily matching of the Daily Wear Daily Wear jewelery, in the spring and summer of 2017 given a stylish personality dimension, this time “State Your Style ” my fashion attitude tour of the National Park in Chongqing Beicheng Tianjie Shopping Center, designed to be refined Modern Daily Wear jewelery is presented to urbanites who insist on self-expression and personal charisma.