科技主张 智能空间 乐享科技生活

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“主张”主角:Joe职业:室内设计师Vincent职业:科技行业执行官随着时代的发展,21世纪的人类生活越来越离不开高科技产品。智能家居、高科技设备都成为了家庭的一部分。怎样将高科技元素完美地与空间相融洽?这可是设计师Joe的拿手好戏。一个轻便的平板电脑、一系列美观的无线面板,Joe都可以将之与室内风格相结合,诠释出一个出色且智能的空间。她与Volvo V40的首次接触源自与好友兼客户——硅谷科技新贵Vincent对新居的设计讨论。Vincent自信地表示自己很喜欢这种设计风格,因为他新买的Volvo V40正是对这种高科技设计引领时尚的设计概念最好的诠释。Volvo V40配备全球首创的行人安全气囊、城市安全系统和盲点信息系统等 “Proposition ” Protagonist: Joe Occupation: Interior Designer Vincent Occupation: Executive of the Science and Technology Industry With the development of the times, human life in the 21st century is increasingly inseparable from high-tech products. Smart homes and high-tech equipment have become part of the family. How can the high-tech elements perfectly fit into space? This is a good job for designer Joe. With a lightweight tablet computer and a series of beautiful wireless panels, Joe can combine it with the interior style to interpret an outstanding and intelligent space. Her first contact with the Volvo V40 came from a discussion with a friend and client, Vincent’s upstart Vincent, about his new home. Vincent confidently stated that he loves this design style because his new Volvo V40 is the best interpretation of this high-tech design leading the fashion design concept. Volvo V40 is equipped with the world’s first pedestrian airbag, urban security system and blind spot information system, etc.
A human esophageal cancer cell line (EC8712) expressing high-level Myc protein was infected with recombmant retroviral particles (pA-BD9) at a multiplicity of
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