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新课程改革是在时代发展需求和我国的教育现状进行的一系列改革,对推动我国的教育事业发展有着重要作用。高中历史作为一门重要的学科,自然也作为改革的重点,力求通过高中历史的教学,增强学生的历史意识,了解我国的灿烂文化、悠久历史,培养学生的民族自豪感,增强学生的爱国情怀。从而让学生以史为鉴、以史为镜,在将来更好地建设国家。但是,新课程改革并非一蹴而就,而是需要一个长期的过程,在这过程中可能会出现很多问题,这就需要相关工作人员积极思考,努力探究,解决改革过程中的一切困难。本篇文章主要阐述在新课程背景下高中历史教学的心得体会,找准教学思路,进而使高中历史教学顺应新课改的需求。 The new curriculum reform is a series of reforms in the demand of the development of the times and the current educational situation in our country and plays an important role in promoting the development of our education. As an important discipline, naturally, high school history also serves as the focus of reform. Through high school history teaching, we should enhance students’ historical awareness, understand our splendid culture and long history, cultivate students’ national pride and enhance students’ patriotic feelings . So that students learn from history, history as a mirror, in the future to build a better country. However, the new curriculum reform is not accomplished in a single step. Instead, it requires a long-term process. Many problems may arise during the process. Relevant staff members need to actively think and work hard to explore and solve all the difficulties in the reform process. This article mainly elaborates the experience of high school history teaching in the context of the new curriculum, finds out the teaching ideas, and then makes the history teaching in senior high school conform to the needs of the new curriculum reform.
报道胃疡平胶囊溶出度实验研究 :以丹皮酚最大吸收波长 2 74 nm为测定波长 ,测试样品 T50 为1 6min及 Td 为 2 7min,4 5 min溶出量大于 70 %。 Reported gastric ulcer flat
介绍了吉林纸业股份有限公司#10纸机一期技改工作,主要包括上浆系统和纸机湿部的技术改造。 The paper introduces the first phase of technological transformation of # 10 p