近日 ,潞城市黄牛蹄乡党委、纪委查处了一起支部书记违反《党章》吸收党员的案件。黄牛蹄乡王家庄村党支部书记冯学良 ,擅用职权 ,在未经支部任何会议研究的情况下 ,以方便工作为名 ,擅自将本村村委委员杨学文的入党有关材料报到乡党委 ,并私自填写支部决议 ,发展杨为预备党员
Recently, Lucheng Yellow Niu Township Party Committee and Commission for Discipline Inspection investigated a branch secretary in violation of “Party Constitution” to absorb party members. Without permission, Wang Xuezhuang, Party Secretary of Wangjiazhuang Village, Huangtiozhu Township, is unauthorized to use his powers. Without the study of any branch of the branch, he took the convenience of his work and submitted the materials for joining the party of the village committee Yang Xuewen to the township party committee without authorization and filled in the branches Resolution, the development of Yang as a reserve member