【摘 要】
Since the opening -up of Shanghai,various kinds of architectures have reflected a city with unique fascination.Those houses in close connection with our daily l
【机 构】
College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University
Since the opening -up of Shanghai,various kinds of architectures have reflected a city with unique fascination.Those houses in close connection with our daily lives are just like works of art,implying complicated cultural imagination through different kinds of forms.In the last two decades,there has been a large scale of urban renewal in Shanghai.Nowadays,Shanghai,a modern and fashionable metropolis is standing in front of the public.However,from my point of view,the urban renewal of Shanghai is not very successful for it is cutting apart its real history little by little in its dreamlike modern imagination,which does not actually meet the real needs of humanity.
On the basis of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution,memetics is a new interpretation of the law of cultural evolution and language development.As a new theoretical pe
Shanghaiology,originated in the 1980s,has attracted the public’s eyes by “Imaginary Shanghai” instead of “Realistic Shanghai”.Translate this into terms of
Shanghaiology undergoes the process from the repeated disputes resulting from the advocate of Shanghaiology to multidisciplines development in the name of Shang
学生的学习是一种有意识、有目的的活动 ,促使他们学习的内动力就是他们本身对学习的需要 ,有了这种需要时 ,他们就会将学习看成是一件有趣的事情 ,就会积极自觉全身心地投入
有些人天生就拥有超强的记忆天赋,他们拥有自己的思维殿堂,能够按照自己的方式来记事情,可以在大脑里储存惊人的信息。下面,就是你所不知道的记忆天才们,瞻仰吧! 加里·卡斯帕罗夫/俄罗斯 5岁时,从来没有学习过国际象棋规则的他轻松地解开了一个让成年人苦思不得其解的棋局,这成为他传奇象棋之路的起点。关于他的大脑,坊间流传着众多传奇,比如智商190,会说15种语言,但都先后被他辟谣。可是不容否认的是,曾