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由于我写过两部反映残疾人生活的影片,一部是描写盲人的《明姑娘》,一部是描写弱智儿童的《启明星》。电视台、电台、报刊常常找我谈残疾人问题,我也很关注描写残疾人生活的文艺作品。关于《明姑娘》,还有一个连我自己都深受感动的故事,《明姑娘》的文学作品曾翻译成法文版在国外发行,一位名为安东尼奥的瑞士老人,在火车上看到两位姑娘,其中一位一直在哭,这个姑娘因很快就要失明而痛不欲生,另一位姑娘在不住地安慰她。这时,安东尼奥老人就将法文版的《明姑娘》念给这位姑娘听,念了一路,为此坐过了站。老人即将下车时,这位姑娘不哭了,她请安东尼奥转达她对中国作家的感谢,是这部小说使她重新燃起了生活的勇气。人类不向命运低头,通过自强不息的精神追求光明和幸福,是一种伟大的精神,自古以来的文学名著很多都是刻划这种精神的,歌颂残疾人自强不息的奋斗精神是对人类的很大鼓舞。 Since I have written two films that reflect the lives of people with disabilities, one is “Bright Girl,” which describes the blind and the other is the “Star of Venus,” which describes mentally handicapped children. Television stations, radio stations and newspapers often find me talking about people with disabilities. I am also very concerned about literary and artistic works that describe the lives of persons with disabilities. On “The Girl of Ming Dynasty”, there is a story that touched me deeply. The literary works of “The Girl of Ming Dynasty” have been translated into French version and distributed abroad. A Swiss old man named Antonio, saw two One of the girls, one of whom has been crying, has been blinded by the fact that the girl is going to be blind, and the other girl does not comfort her. At this time, Antonio, the French version of the French version of “Miss girl” read to the girl to listen, read all the way, had sat for this. When the old man was about to get off, the girl did not cry, and she asked Antonio to convey her gratitude to the Chinese writer. This novel made her regain her courage in life. It is a great spirit that mankind does not bow to fate and pursues light and happiness through the spirit of self-improvement. Since ancient times, many literary masterpieces have delineated this spirit. The spirit of striving to relentless self-improvement of people with disabilities is very great for mankind Inspired.
刘天华所编的《梅兰芳歌曲谱》王性昌   1929年冬,梅兰芳应邀赴美演出,他担心京剧词曲非西人所能聆悉,拟用线谱录出,以使京剧艺术为世界所接受。经齐如山先生介绍,梅得识乐坛臣擘刘
南海仲裁闹剧落下大幕,后台策划者美国终于跳到前台,俨然以国际宪兵的姿态要挟中国干这个干那个,说实在的,美国管得着吗?美国完全忘记了他自己曾经在南海问题上的表态,不断地煽自己的嘴巴。  首先,美国是知道南海问题的历史经纬的。  美国是《开罗宣言》《波茨坦公告》的主要签约方,在这两个法律文件中明确规定,日本要将“自1914年第一次世界大战开始以来在太平洋所得或占领之一切岛屿……归还中华民国。”1946
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