安徽《戏剧界》去年第六期刊登了一幅题为“状元落第”的漫画,画的是中位头戴乌纱、身着官袍、扮演“状元”的戏曲演员,正垂头丧气地拿着一张“青年演员文化考试;二十五分”的试卷……这幅漫画用幽默的形象提出了一个不容忽视的问题——必须提高青年戏曲演员的文化水平,不能让那种“台上状元郎,台下半文盲”的状况再继续下去! 由于戏曲演员的基本功训练必须早抓,所以一般戏曲表演团体招收的学员年纪都比较小。这些学员辍学早,文化程度普遍不高,加之有些戏曲表演团体又不甚注意提高学员的文化水平,而偏重于“手眼身步”等各方面的基本功训练;即
In the sixth issue of last year, Anhui’s “Theater Industry” published a comic book titled “The First Prize”, featuring a Chinese opera singer dressed in a robes and dressed as a “champion” who is holding his head down A “Young Performers Cultural Examination; Twenty-five” papers ... This comic poses a humorous image that can not be ignored - must raise the cultural level of young opera actors, can not let the kind of “champion Lang, under the stage of semi-illiteracy, ”the situation continue! As the basic skills of opera actors must be early training, so the general drama troupe recruited students are relatively young. These trainees drop out of school early and their educational level is generally not high. In addition, some performing troupes pay little attention to improving the cultural level of trainees, but emphasize on the basic skills training in various fields such as "