为弄清元大德七年癸卯八月六日(公元1303年9月17日)山西洪赵县大地震的情况,于1967年7月至1967年11月作了2次野外调查,根据调查的结果,叙述了此次地震的概况,分别对 度、 度、 度、 度烈度区的范围、自然概况、人员伤亡情况等进行了描述,对此次地震的震中、烈度等问题进行了讨论,在此基础上绘出了此次地震的等震线示意图。认为该次地震的震中应在山西洪洞—赵城一带,震中烈度为 度,震源深度为8km。
In order to clarify the situation of the Hongdezhen earthquake in Hongzhao County, Shanxi on August 6 (AD 13 September 1303) of the 7th year of Yuan Dade, Guiyu County made 2 field surveys from July 1967 to November 1967, The results of the survey described the general situation of the earthquake, described the scope of the degree, degree, degree and degree of intensity zones, the general situation of nature and the casualties of the people, and discussed the epicenter and intensity of the earthquake. On the basis of this, the isochord of the earthquake is plotted. The epicenter of this earthquake should be in the area of Hongtong-Zhaocheng, Shanxi. The epicentral intensity is moderate and the focal depth is 8km.