在深入研究官地矿9# 煤渗透特性的基础上,提出动压预注水的煤层注水方案与参数,并在官地矿进行了工业性试验,取得了降低综采工作面煤尘浓度60% 以上的明显效果。它对我国煤矿有效实施煤层注水、降低工作面粉尘浓度具有实际指导意义
On the basis of deeply studying the infiltration characteristics of No.9 coal in Guandi Mine, the scheme and parameters of coal seam water injection with dynamic pre-injection of water are put forward and industrial tests have been carried out in Guandi Mine. The coal dust concentration in the fully mechanized mining face has been reduced by 60% The obvious effect. It has practical guiding significance to the effective coal seam water injection in coal mines and the reduction of dust concentration in working face