2010年度Clear Choice Awards大赛的奖项分为啤酒类、葡萄酒类、食品类、碳酸饮料类、非碳酸饮料类、有机食品或饮料类、烈酒类、风味酒精饮料类以及化妆品或香水类共9项,并设置了一个整体包装设计奖。和往届大赛一样,入围本届大赛的作品都是玻璃包装设计中的佼佼者。最终有10件参赛作品凭借其独特的创新性、新颖别致的细节以及夺人眼球的货架效果获得了殊荣。下面就让我们共同来欣赏这些晶莹剔透的玻璃包装作品吧。
The awards for the 2010 Clear Choice Awards include beer, wine, foodstuffs, carbonated drinks, non-carbonated drinks, organic foods or beverages, spirits, flavored alcoholic beverages and cosmetics or perfumes. , And set a whole package design award. Like previous competitions, the entries in this competition are the best glass packaging design. In the end 10 entries were honored for their unique innovation, innovative details and eye-catching shelf effects. Let us work together to enjoy these crystal clear glass packaging works below.