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计算机性能的提高,数字技术不可思议地扩展着艺术的表现空间和表现能力,文化艺术环境和形式发生了天翻地覆的变化,在不同艺术领域,数字技术创造出了诸多视听奇观。展望数字化的前景,随着计算机技术的发展,相信在不远的将来,艺术形式将从单一媒介到寻求从人类的视觉、听觉、触觉、味觉、嗅觉等身体多重功能感官的交融和体验。但在数字化时代,人类作为审美的主体是否在传统的基础上,借助技术的发展提升了自身追求探知对象世界真善美的能力与水平则有待商榷。 With the improvement of computer performance, digital technology has unbelievably extended the performance space and performance ability of the art. The environment and form of the culture and art have undergone tremendous changes. Digital art has created many wonders of spectacle in different fields of art. Looking forward to the prospect of digitization, with the development of computer technology, it is believed that, in the near future, art forms will move from a single medium to seeking the fusion and experience of multiple functional senses of human body such as vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. However, in the digital age, whether man as a subject of aesthetics is based on the tradition or not and with the help of technological development enhances his ability and level of pursuing the truth, the beauty and the beauty of the target world to be discussed.
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