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从 1 978年开始的当代中国法律革命 ,是中国法律文明演进过程中一次划时代的巨大变革。这场法律革命是在拨乱反正、改革开放的大背景下进行的 ,是在全党工作重点转移到以经济建设为中心的现代化建设上来的大环境下展开的。推动当代中国法律革命和法制现代化的最深厚动力来自于当代中国社会内部存在着的处于变化状态中的经济基础和政治因素。只有当中国现阶段社会的经济体制从计划经济向市场经济转轨和发展时 ,现行法制才能冲出人治型的樊篱 ,引发一场深刻的法律革命 :只有在社会主义民主政治的基础上 ,才能创设一个法理型的现代法律系统。社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建构与发展 ,为这场法律革命注入了最深厚的经济动力 ;社会主义民主政治的建立与完善 ,为这场法律革命创造了基本的政治条件 ;思想解放和法律意识形态的发展 ,为这场法律革命奠定了观念基础和思想保证 The contemporary Chinese legal revolution that started from 1978 is a great epoch-making change in the evolution of Chinese legal civilization. This legal revolution was carried out under the general background of disarrating and chanting the party and reform and opening up. It was carried out under the general environment in which the party’s work shifted its focus to the modernization drive centered on economic construction. The most profound impetus to the modernization of the legal revolution and the legal system in contemporary China comes from the economic fundamentals and political factors that exist in a changing state within contemporary Chinese society. Only when the economic structure of society in our country is transitioned from a planned economy to a market economy at the present stage can the current legal system get out of the fence of the people-based system and lead to a profound legal revolution: only on the basis of socialist democratic politics can we create A juridical modern legal system. The gradual construction and development of the socialist market economic system have infused the deepest economic momentum into this legal revolution. The establishment and improvement of socialist democratic politics has created the basic political conditions for this legal revolution. The emancipation of the mind and the awareness of law The development of morphology has laid the ideological foundation and ideological guarantee for this legal revolution
目的 通过对鼻腔和口腔相交位置有粘液的患者的基本资料的研究,探讨有粘液的基本原因,以便找到合适的治疗方法.方法 选取2012年1月~2014年1月我院治疗的鼻腔和口腔有粘液的患
目的:为研究缺血中风中医综合治疗提供一定的依据.方法:回顾性总结1 995~1999年连续缺血中风住院患者的一般情况,并分析接受不同治疗方法的综合组和非综合组的疗效.结果:609例