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全市广大普查对象:第三次全国经济普查正向我们走来!搞好经济普查,功在社会,利在自己。我们欣喜地看到,首次全国经济普查开展以来的10年,首都经济实现重大跨越,人均GDP超过1万美元,经济发展高端化格局初步形成。经济普查是一项事关国家科学制定发展规划、加强和改善宏观调控的大事,全市辖区内从事第二产业和第三产业的全部法人单位、产业活动单位和个体经营户作为这次普查的对象,有义务支持和配合各级普查机构搞好全市经济普查的各项工作。北京一轻日用化学有限公司作为首都都市产业的代表之一,近年来通过资源整合、做强品牌,走上了集约化、规模化的快速发展之路。我们深深感受到,微观经济体的良性运行离不开宏观经济的大环境,同时也受益于政府的重视和扶持。积极参与经济普查,既是履行社会责任,也符合企业发展的长远利益。通过经济普查可以使我们了解到本市产业发展的规模及布局。本行业基本状况,发展趋势以及市场变化等 Census of the majority of the city’s census: The third national economic census is coming to us! Do a good job of economic census, in society, and benefit themselves. We are delighted to see that in the 10 years since the first national economic census was conducted, the capital economy has undergone a major leap forward with a per capita GDP of more than 10,000 U.S. dollars. The high-end economic development pattern has basically taken shape. The economic census is a major issue concerning the formulation of development plans by the state science and the strengthening and improvement of macro-control. All the legal entities, industrial units and self-employed households engaged in the secondary and tertiary industries throughout the municipality are the targets of this survey It is obliged to support and cooperate with census agencies at all levels in doing a good job in various aspects of the city’s economic census. As a representative of the metropolitan industry in the capital, Beijing Ichemical Co., Ltd. has embarked on a road of intensive and large-scale rapid development through resources integration and brand building in recent years. We deeply feel that the healthy operation of the micro-economy can not be separated from the macroeconomic environment, but also benefits from the government’s attention and support. To actively participate in the economic census is not only fulfilling social responsibilities but also meeting the long-term interests of the enterprise. Through the economic census can make us understand the size and layout of the city’s industrial development. The industry’s basic conditions, trends and changes in the market
本期人物:易中天高人不一般,三国注新篇,央视加把火,红煞易中天。幽默相册@武建军 Characters in this issue: Yi Zhongtian is not ordinary, the Three Kingdoms have new
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这样的我是有人羡慕的。当他们问起,我总会说:因为我是你女儿,你女儿懂事自信有办法,你女儿是要别人夸的。    那时我才3岁。  你送我上幼儿园。  第一次和那么多小朋友在一起,我开心极了,马上就融入了这个大群体,十分潇洒地向转身要奔赴工作岗位的你道了声拜拜,然后接受了我的幼儿园第一课。从此我知道了上课没有老师允许不准乱说话,知道了位置是老师安排好的,不可以乱坐,知道了下课的时候这些就都不算了,知道
假如生活是苦酒你可曾细细地品味,倘若那滋味不是很顺口,请你不要抱怨,不要嫌弃坚信吧,那哭泣的背后一定是甜蜜的幸福。人生的季节中,照样会袭来寒风冷雨。 If life is bitt