1 病例报告 例1:28岁,孕2产1,孕36周。陈发性下腹坠痛6小时,于1986年4月20日入院。入院前1个月开始双下肢水肿,伴腹部迅速增大。血压17/11kPa,胎位LOA,胎心140次/分,遥远。宫口开大7.0cm,胎胞突。诊断:二胎孕36周临产,轻度妊高征,羊水过多。经人工破膜后,自娩一活男婴,体重2700g,流出羊水3500ml。胎盘剥离后自然娩出,胎盘母面见两个大实质性包块为紫红色,1个8.0cm×5.0cm×5.0cm。另1个7.0cm×6.0cm×4.0cm,周围还有数千1.0cm~2.0cm大小不等结节,占胎盘总面积1/2以上。胎盘病理报告为胎盘血管瘤,
A case report of 1:28 years old, 2 pregnant 1, 36 weeks pregnant. Cadaver lower abdomen pain fall 6 hours, on April 20, 1986 admission. One month before admission, the edema of both lower extremities started, with the abdomen rapidly increasing. Blood pressure 17 / 11kPa, fetal LOA, fetal heart rate 140 times / min, far away. Palace mouth big 7.0cm, fetal cell process. Diagnosis: 36 weeks of second pregnancy, labor, mild pregnancy-induced hypertension, polyhydramnios. After artificial rupture of membranes, since the delivery of a living baby boy, weighing 2700g, out of amniotic fluid 3500ml. Natural placental stripping after delivery, the mother of the placenta see two large substantive mass of mauve, a 8.0cm × 5.0cm × 5.0cm. The other a 7.0cm × 6.0cm × 4.0cm, there are thousands around the size of 1.0cm ~ 2.0cm nodules, the total area of more than 1/2 of the placenta. Placental pathology report for placental hemangiomas,