Energy industry is the basic industry of national economy. It is of great significance to formulate reasonable energy price mechanism to ensure the relative balance between energy supply and energy demand. Based on questionnaires and in-depth interviews with residents in Beijing, this paper analyzes the energy consumption structure of residents in Beijing and uses the co-integration econometric model and regression analysis to explore the energy price response of residents in Beijing. The results show that the income elasticity of residential electricity and natural gas is positive and the income elasticity of liquefied petroleum gas and coal is negative. The residents with the highest price elasticity of liquefied petroleum gas and the smallest coal are the self-price elasticities of electricity and natural gas respectively -0.22 and -0.44; the cross-price elasticity of electricity and natural gas is relatively large, the substitution is stronger. There are many potential users of electric vehicles, in the future, with the electric vehicle subsidies and other policy incentives to strengthen the cross-fertilization of electricity and oil will increase.