On the basis of past experiences of dry cultivation of rice in the suburbs of Beijing in 1981, 25,000 acres of dry-cultivated hybrid rice were succeeded. Laxing Commune, Daxing County, Kang Zhuangzi Interplanting Liyou 57 hybrid rice 150 acres, an average of 750 kg per acre of real estate, dry cultivation more varieties of 60 acres, an average of 240 pounds per mu; Tong field brigade 80 acres of hybrid rice dry, 750 kilos per mu. Dry cultivation Feng Jin per mu 240 kg; Dawa Bora 30 mu dry hybrid rice mu yield of 450 kg, 47 kg of dry cited Beijing yield 350 kg. Xilu four dry cultivation in the soil before 30 cm of soil without Chao soil, conventional rice lost, hybrid rice mu