
来源 :干旱区资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyp88
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历史文化遗迹周围景观类型的变化对历史文化遗迹有着重要的影响,对历史文化遗迹的保护必须从对其自身的保护上升到对其周边景观类型保护的阶段。应用遥感和GIS技术以及数理统计学方法,以历史文化遗迹丰富的吐鲁番为研究区,利用1990年、1999年和2010年的遥感数据,深入研究了吐鲁番历史文化遗迹周围景观类型时空变化。结果表明:(1)不同景观类型对历史文化遗迹的影响是不同的,耕地、城乡居民对历史文化遗迹的破坏最大,未利用地和水体对历史文化遗迹也具有一定的破坏作用,草地对历史文化遗迹的保护具有积极的作用;(2)从时间变化上看,整个时段(1990-2010年),海洋墓地周围景观类型年综合变化率最大,为0.895,阿萨协亥尔古城周围景观类型年综合变化率最小,为0.046;(3)从空间变化上看,整个时段(1990-2010年),海洋墓地周围景观类型变化速度最大,相对变化率为1.896;阿萨协亥尔古城周围景观类型变化速度最小,相对变化率为0.216。评价结果可为吐鲁番地区的历史文化遗迹管理和保护提供科学依据。 The changes of landscape types around historical and cultural relics have an important impact on the historical and cultural relics. The protection of historical and cultural relics must rise from the protection of their own to the stage of protection of the landscape types around them. Based on the remote sensing data of 1990, 1999 and 2010, the spatial and temporal changes of landscape types around the historical and cultural relics in Turpan are studied in detail by using remote sensing and GIS technology and mathematical statistics methods. Taking Turpan, which is rich in historical and cultural relics, as the research area. The results show that: (1) The impact of different landscape types on historical and cultural relics is different. Cultivated land, urban and rural residents have the greatest damage to historical and cultural relics, and unused land and water bodies also have a certain damaging effect on historical and cultural relics. (2) From the time change point of view, the comprehensive change rate of the landscape types around the marine cemetery was the largest (0.895) over the period of time (1990-2010), and the landscape types around the ancient Ashapi Ancient City (3) From the perspective of spatial change, the landscape types around the marine cemetery had the highest change rate in the whole period (1990-2010) with a relative rate of change of 1.896; the landscape around the ancient Ashansal city The rate of change is the smallest with a relative rate of change of 0.216. The evaluation results can provide a scientific basis for the management and protection of historical and cultural relics in Turpan.
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