Modeling,Simulation and Experiment of Electro-hydraulic Screw Down Servo System of Seamless Tube Rol

来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Vivian496
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Electro-hydraulic screw down servo system(HSDS) is widely used in seamless tube rolling mill in western companies.But in Chinese companies,mechanical screw down system(MSDS) is popularly equipped and has a serious disadvantage that the roller would often be locked when it is overloaded.For the purpose of designing the first set of domestic twin-roller,four-cylinder and six-framework electro-hydraulic HSDS of seamless tube rolling mill,an experiment system that can simulate the process of seamless tube rolling is constructed.A digital simulation model of the experiment system is built with AMESim software and validated by comparing the simulation results with experiment results.The sudden load response of the screw piston position is studied with the built model and the experiment system.To improve the HSDS’s positioning accuracy with large load,a hybrid control scheme of combining load disturbance feedforward compensation(LDFC) method based on servo valve’s pressure-stroke feature and anti-saturation integral control(ASIC) is proposed.Both results of simulation and experiment indicate that the transient response time of the single-roller HSDS with the proposed scheme decreases from 0.65 s to less than 0.2 s without static error.To improve the system dynamic stiffness and production qualified rate,a flow rate feedforward compensation(FFC) control strategy based on oil compressibility to dynamic position error is proposed.This FFC strategy is validated with experiments in which the transient error caused by sudden load is reduced to less than 25% of that without FFC.By extending the simulation model to HSDS of a twin-roller,four-cylinder rolling mill,analyzing the mill deformation,and applying the LDFC,ASIC and FFC to the HSDS,the dynamic performance and positioning accuracy of compensated multi-roller HSDS at biting moment are predicted.The research results provide a theoretical and experimental basis for the design of HSDS of seamless steel tube rolling mill. Electromechanical screw down servo system (HSDS) is widely used in seamless tube rolling mill in western companies. But in Chinese companies, mechanical screw down system (MSDS) is popularly equipped and has a serious disadvantage that the roller would often be locked when when it is overloaded. For the purpose of designing the first set of domestic twin-roller, four-cylinder and six-framework electro-hydraulic HSDS of seamless tube rolling mill, an experiment system that can simulate the process of seamless tube rolling is constructed. A digital simulation model of the experiment system is built with AMESim software and validated by comparing the simulation results with experiment results. Sudden load response of the screw piston position is studied with the built model and the experiment system. To improve the HSDS’s positioning accuracy with large load, a hybrid control scheme of combining load disturbance feedforward compensation (LDFC) method based on servo valve’s pressure-stroke feature and anti-saturation integral control (ASIC) is proposed.Both results of simulation and experiment indicate that the transient response time of HSDS with the proposed reduction of from 0.65 s to less than 0.2 s without static error.To improve the system dynamic stiffness and production qualified rate, a flow rate feedforward compensation (FFC) control strategy based on oil compressibility to dynamic position error is proposed. This FFC strategy is validated with experiments in which the transient error caused by sudden load is reduced to less than 25 % of that without FFC.By extending the simulation model to HSDS of a twin-roller, four-cylinder rolling mill, analyzing the mill deformation, and applying the LDFC, ASIC and FFC to the HSDS, the dynamic performance and positioning accuracy of compensated multi-roller HSDS at biting moment are predicted. research results provide a theoretical and experimental basis for the design of HSDS of seamless steel tube rolling mill.
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