从拉萨出发 日喀则(上)

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日喀则,后藏边境重镇,西藏第二大城市,历代班禅驻锡地。东接山南,西连阿里,南凭喜马拉雅山,北依拉萨、那曲,是藏地一路向西的必经之地。世界最高峰——珠穆朗玛峰,藏地著名寺庙扎什伦布寺、萨迦寺、白居寺、夏鲁寺、乃宁寺均位于日喀则境内,是无数人梦寐以求、日夜向往的地方。英雄之城——江孜后藏的海拔比拉萨高,却是地道的农业区。一路走来,到处是油菜花和青稞的海洋。高原油菜花品种稍有区别,比内地矮很多,一样的都是铺天盖地,金黄灿灿,产量略低,含油量却高很多。青稞与麦子颇为相似,短穗儿,也不似麦子饱满,产量低,不施化肥,不打农药,是纯天然的绿色食品,粗粮中的佳品,据说对高血压、高血脂、高血糖有很好的疗效。糌粑,就是用炒熟的青稞粒磨成的面粉,可以加适量酥油、牛奶或热水调和之后直接食用。藏族老乡一般都随身携带一个专用的小木碗,就是用来吃糌粑的。最近几年,糌粑的知名度在内地不断升高。我的几拨进藏游玩的朋友,临走时都要逛逛冲赛康(拉萨当地人的农贸市场),奶渣、人参果、糌粑、牦牛肉干、松茸、手掌参都是必不可少的 Shigatse, after possession of the border town, the second largest city in Tibet, the Panchen Lama in tin. East Shannan, west of Ali, south by the Himalayas, north of Lhasa, Nagqu, Tibet is the only way to the west. The world’s highest peak - Mount Everest, Tibet famous temple Tashilhunpo, Sakya Temple, White House Temple, Shalu Temple, Naini Temple are located in Shigatse territory, countless people dream of day and night longing for place. Hero city - after the possession of Gyangze Elevation higher than Lhasa, but it is an authentic agricultural area. Along the way, there is a sea of ​​rape and barley everywhere. Plateau rapeseed varieties slightly different, much shorter than the Mainland, the same is overwhelming, golden, yield slightly lower, but much higher oil content. Barley and wheat are quite similar, short spike, nor wheat full, low yield, no fertilizer, do not fight pesticides, is a natural green food, the best food in coarse grains, is said to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar Have a good effect.糌 粑, that is, with fried barley grain ground into flour, you can add the right amount of butter, milk or hot water to reconcile directly after consumption. Tibetan fellow usually carry a special small wooden bowl, is used to eat nauseating. In recent years, the popularity of shyness has been on the rise in the Mainland. A few of my friends who travel to Tibet to play, wash away Saikang Kang (Lhasa local farmers market), milk residue, ginseng fruit, emu, yak meat, matsutake, palms are all essential
○ 2 0 0 3年 1 2月 2 2日 ,湖北省科学技术期刊编辑学会年终总结表彰大会在汉口举行。来自会员单位的 30 0多位代表出席会议。《交通高教研究》编辑部等 41个单位荣获 2 0 0
把握机遇 进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学@本刊编辑部 Grasp the Opportunity to Further Prosperity and Development of Philosophy and Social Sciences @ Editorial
10月 16日 ,珠江委召开主任办公会议 ,传达贯彻最近召开的全国水利厅局长座谈会议精神 ,结合珠江流域实际 ,专题研讨新时期珠江的治水思路。与会同志指出 ,要把全国水利厅局
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黑土坡水电站位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州汶川县境内、岷江上游右岸支流寿溪照壁杠至牟家店河段上 ,为闸坝引水式水电站 ,水工建筑物由闸坝首部枢纽、引水系统及厂区枢纽等