培养大学生自主学习能力是现代语言教学理论的要求,也是提高英语教学效率的有力保证。培养和提高大学生英语的自主学习能力,必须以课堂目标结构理论为指导,转变老师的角色,改革课堂教学,帮助学生设立具体而切合实际的学习目标,调动学生的积极性和自主性。一、自主学习的界定自主学习(Self-Regulated Learning)是指学习者在一定程度上从元认知、动机和行为方面积极主动地参与自己学习活
Cultivating college students’ autonomous learning ability is the requirement of modern language teaching theory and also a powerful guarantee to improve the efficiency of English teaching. In order to cultivate and improve the autonomous learning ability of undergraduates in English, we must change the teacher’s role, reform the classroom teaching, help students to establish concrete and realistic learning objectives, and arouse the enthusiasm and autonomy of the students. First, the definition of autonomous learning Self-Regulated Learning refers to the learner to a certain extent, from the metacognitive, motivational and behavioral aspects of active participation in their own learning activities