
来源 :改革与战略 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chtg
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文章从四个方面论述毛泽东工业发展战略思想。(1)对工业发展的前程充满信心和期待。认为,建立起独立、自由、民主和统一的中国,才可能发展工业,中国一定能由落后的农业国转变为先进的工业国,一定能建设成为一个具有现代工业、现代农业、现代科学文化的社会主义国家。(2)发展工业,实现工业化,建设社会主义强大国家,根本在于坚持独立自主、自力更生,走自己的路子,要对自己的党、国家、民族、人民的智慧和力量充满自信。(3)发展工业,推进工业化,要不断总结经验教训,努力学习善于学习,精于借鉴借力发展,勇于探索敢于创新。(4)坚持群众性、政治性的经济改革和经济管理大原则,改革不合理的规章制度,宏观上做好统筹兼顾、计划调节,以期达到综合平衡、协调发展。微观上要大力提倡计划性和勤俭原则,充分调动和依靠群众的积极性、主动性、创造性。毛泽东工业发展战略思想,不仅在长期的革命和建设实践中指导中国发展工业,推进工业化,发挥过重大作用,这对建设中国特色社会主义,同样具有重大的现实意义。 The article discusses Mao Zedong’s industrial development strategy from four aspects. (1) It is full of confidence and expectation for the future of industrial development. It is believed that the establishment of an independent, free, democratic, and unified China will make it possible to develop industry. China will certainly be transformed from a backward agricultural country into an advanced industrial country, and it will certainly be able to build a society with modern industry, modern agriculture and modern science and culture. Country. (2) The development of industry, industrialization, and the construction of a strong socialist country are fundamental in its adherence to self-reliance, self-reliance, self-reliance, and its own path. It must be full of confidence in the wisdom and strength of its own party, nation, nation, and people. (3) To develop industry and promote industrialization, we must constantly sum up experiences and lessons, strive to learn to be good at learning, be good at drawing on leveraging development, and be bold to explore and dare to innovate. (4) Stick to the principle of mass and political economic reform and economic management, reform irrational rules and regulations, macroeconomically do a good job of overall consideration and plan adjustment, in order to achieve comprehensive balance and coordinated development. On the micro level, we must vigorously advocate the principle of planning and diligence and fully mobilize and rely on the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the masses. Mao Zedong’s industrial development strategy not only guided China’s industrial development, promoted industrialization, and played a major role in the long-term revolution and construction practice, but also had great practical significance for building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
马克思从剩余价值观和唯物史观的角度,关注正义的历史性和阶级性。马克思的公平正义,对于探究社会主义的实质有着重要的意义,它是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要指导原则。 Fro