“乡愁”是中国诗苑园中一个历久常新的主题。台湾诗人余光中、席慕容旅居海外 ,乡思日深。他们继承传统文化中“乡愁”这一永恒的主题 ,又新意叠出。现将品读他们的《乡愁》诗两首之偶得 ,不避卑陋 ,以飨读者。一、意境美余光中的《乡愁》和席慕容的《乡愁》都在深刻感受生活?
The “homesickness” is a time-honored new theme in the garden of Chinese poetry. The Taiwan poets Yu Guangzhong and Xi Murong lived overseas and their hometowns were deep. They inherited the eternal theme of “homesickness” in traditional culture, and they have new ideas. Now I will read the poems of their two poems of “Homesickness” and I will not hide from mediocrity to readers. First, the “homesickness” of Mei Yuzhong’s “Homesickness” and the “Homesickness” of Xi Murong are deeply in touch with life?