在效益农业报道中,有许多成功之作,有力地促进了农业经济结构的调整,帮助农民朋友走上了致富路。但是,由于种种原因,有些报道也出现了偏差,产生误导,对农民的生产起到消极作用。媒介对此要引起重视。 媒介不能成为某些领导搞政绩的“马前卒” 新闻报道围绕政府中心工作无可非议,但有的领导为了快出政绩,搞不符合客观规律的所谓短平快项目,盲目引导农民。新闻媒介如被其表面现象所迷惑,失去了自己的独立判断和审慎态度,一味迎合领导意图,则为领导盲目决策起了推波助澜的作用。
In the report on the benefit of agriculture, there are many successes that have effectively promoted the adjustment of the agricultural economic structure and helped peasants and friends to embark on the road to prosperity. However, due to various reasons, some reports also appeared to be biased, misleading and negatively affecting the production of peasants. The media should pay attention to this. However, some leaders blindly guide peasants in order to quicken their achievements and engage in so-called short and quick projects that do not conform to the objective laws. When the news media is fooled by its superficial phenomena, it loses its independent judgment and cautious attitude and blindly caters to the intention of leadership, and plays a role in fueling the blind decision-making.