近两年时间的创建学习型组织活动,使我们对“学习”一词有了新的理解。日常生活中对“学习”一词的理解有其片面性,一般情况下,只把“学习”理解为读书,听课,获得信息。但按照《第五项修炼》的观点,除此而外更重要的是尝试、实践、创新,不断认识新的事物,探索新的规律,解决生活、工作中新的矛盾,这才是更重要的学习。在这种学习中,使自己的心灵得到“修行、修炼”,达到不断成长、完善的结果。生命才活得有意义。内蒙古伊利集团公司是资源优势转化为经济优势的地区龙头企业。企业的成功和高速发展除企业自身的因素外,纯天然、无污染的内蒙古大草原牛奶资源优势也是重要因素。目前,世界正进入知识经济时代,我国正面临加入 WTO。智力优势正在取代传统的
The creation of a learning organization for nearly two years has given us a new understanding of the term “learning.” In everyday life, the understanding of the word “learning” is unilateral. Generally, “learning” is understood as reading, lecturing and obtaining information. However, according to the Fifth Cultivation, what is more important than that is to try, practice and innovate, to recognize new things constantly, to explore new laws, to solve new contradictions in life and work, which is more important Learning. In this kind of study, one’s own soul is “practiced and practiced”, and the result of continuous growth and improvement is achieved. Life makes sense. Inner Mongolia Yili Group Company is the regional resource-based economy into a leading enterprise. The success and rapid development of enterprises In addition to their own factors, the natural, pollution-free Inner Mongolia prairie milk resources are also an important factor. At present, the world is entering an era of knowledge-based economy and our country is facing the accession to the WTO. Intellectual superiority is replacing tradition