选取我国优秀女子400 m栏运动员为研究对象,针对她们的运动寿命及影响因素进行研究。采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、比较分析法,对我国优秀女子400 m栏运动员运动寿命及影响因素进行研究,得出:1)我国优秀400 m栏运动员达到竞技最高水平的年龄偏小,保持高水平的最佳竞技能力时间较短,退役过早。2)我国优秀田径运动员的最佳竞技年龄范围在21-25岁之间,保持竞技年龄段的年限较短一般为2-5 a,整个运动寿命较短。3)影响我国优秀女子400 m栏运动员运动寿命的因素比例从大到小排列为:训练学因素、社会-教育学因素、医学-生物因素、心理学因素。其影响因素是复杂的、动态的,是各个系统总和的结果。
The elite female 400 m hurdle athletes in our country were selected as the research object, and their sports life and influence factors were studied. By using the methods of literature review, expert interviews, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics and comparative analysis, the paper studies the sports life and influencing factors of Chinese elite women 400 m hurdle athletes, and draws the following conclusions: 1) The highest level of age is small, to maintain a high level of the best competitive ability is shorter, retired too early. 2) The best athletics age range of our country’s best track and field athletes is between 21-25 years old. The average age of competitive athletes is 2-5 years, and the whole athletic life is short. 3) The factors influencing the longevity of athletes in 400 m hurdle athletes in China are listed as follows: training factor, social-pedagogical factor, medical-biological factor and psychological factor. The influencing factors are complex and dynamic and are the result of the sum of the individual systems.