装配过盈量 检测力对薄壁衬套的影响

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1 前言 在生产中,经常可见到精密衬套的图纸内径尺寸只标有压入后的直径,而无压入前的直径。由于衬套压入轴承座时,会产生弹性变形,直径将会缩小,壁厚会有所增加,要正确计算出轴套压入前的内径,就必须掌握衬套的变形规律,找出直径变化与过盈量之间的关系。下面,笔者用弹性力学理论对薄壁衬套在过盈装配时的变形作一分析,推导出其在受压状态下的弹性压缩量计算公式,同时讨论加载检测时检测力对薄壁衬套直径和壁厚的影响。 1 Preface In the production, it is often seen that the inner diameter of the drawings of the precision bushing is only marked with the diameter after press-in but without the diameter before press-in. As the bushing is pressed into the bearing seat, it will produce elastic deformation, the diameter will be reduced and the wall thickness will be increased. To calculate the inner diameter of the bushing before pressing in, the deformation law of the bushing must be grasped to find the diameter The relationship between change and the amount of interference. Next, the author uses the theory of elasticity to analyze the deformation of thin-walled bushing during interference fit, and deduces the formula for calculating the amount of elastic compression under the condition of compression. Meanwhile, the influence of the detection force on the thin-walled bushing Effect of diameter and wall thickness.
众所周知,数学教学要遵循学生的心理认知规律,学生在教师的引导下对新知识进行探索,但由于学生的基础知识状况、对知识的认知水平及学习方法等方面存在差异,他们接受知识的能力也就有所不同。如果教师采取“一刀切”的方法,就会使学困生对数学学习丧失信心,所以教师必须认真思考怎样帮助这部分孩子从困境中解脱出来,提高他们的学习成绩。  一、案例描述与分析  刚接班的时候,班上学困生至少有6到7名,有2位同学的成绩