为了推行中华人民共和国编辑工作标准化、杂志编排现代化,提高书刊的质量,今将有关文摘编写规则介绍给广大作者与读者。望遵照推广应用。本标准适用于编写作者文摘,也适用于编写文摘员文摘。 1 名词、术语 1.1 文摘(abstracts):以提供文摘内容梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。
In order to promote the standardization of editorial work in the People’s Republic of China, the modernization of magazine layout and the improvement of the quality of books and periodicals, the rules for the preparation of abstracts are introduced to the vast majority of authors and readers. Hope follow the promotion and application. This standard applies to the preparation of author abstracts, also applies to the preparation of abstracts abstracts. 1 Noun terminology 1.1 Abstracts (abstracts): to provide abstracts for the purpose of synopsis, without commentary and supplementary explanation, concise and accurate description of the important content of the essay.