目前已公认近侧胃迷走神经切断术(PGV)治疗十二指肠溃疡,它明显缓解症状和减少胃酸分泌.在1970~1982年间,作者作PGV约800例,其中40例术前多次胃肠钡餐X线检查和内窥镜检查,未见溃疡.本文目的在于评价PGV对无溃疡消化不良(non-ulcer dyspepsia)病人的疗效.全面的病史询问以除外引起消化不良的其它病因.外科治疗仅用于具有典型的胃过度分泌症状病例,如餐后迟发性上腹痛和进食或抗酸剂后症状明显缓解的病例.当症状严重、持续2年以上和用甲氢咪胍后病变复发者予手术治疗.本组40例中,男性32例,女性8例.平均年龄39岁(21~75岁).平均病程17年(2~45年).按Liavag叙述的方法行PGV.本组术后无严重伴发症.手术前、术后2月、3月、1年和5年查基础胃酸(BAO)和戊胃泌素刺激后胃酸(MAO).术后6~8周行胰岛素试验以明确迷走神经完全切断的程度,其结果按Ross法分为阴性、早期阳性和后期阳性.术后2月行胃肠钡餐X线检查以观察胃排空时间.术后2~
It has been recognized that proximal gastric vagotomy (PGV) for the treatment of duodenal ulcers, which significantly relieve symptoms and reduce gastric acid secretion in the 1970 to 1982, the author made about 800 cases of PGV, of which 40 cases of preoperative gastrointestinal Barium meal X-ray examination and endoscopy, no ulceration This article aims to evaluate the efficacy of PGV in patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia. A comprehensive medical history was asked to exclude other causes of dyspepsia. Surgical treatment only For patients with typical symptoms of gastric hypersecretion, such as postprandial delayed upper abdominal pain and symptoms of significant relief after eating or antacid When severe symptoms persist for more than 2 years and relapse with ameglu- riide The group of 40 patients, 32 males and 8 females with an average age of 39 years (21 to 75 years). The average duration of 17 years (2 to 45 years) .According to Liavag described method of PGV.This group No severe complication occurred after surgery, and basal gastric acid (BAO) and gastric acid (GI) induced by pentastrin were detected before surgery, 2 months, 3 months, 1 year and 5 years after operation.After 6 to 8 weeks, insulin Test to clarify the degree of vagus nerve completely cut off, the results were divided into negative Ross method, early positive Late positive. February after row of gastrointestinal barium X-ray examination to observe the gastric emptying time after 2 ~