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为了创新、发展、弘扬易经文化,推动现代易学发展进程,在坚持传统注解的同时系统探索易经经文新的阐释方式具有积极的现代意义。本文依据作者提出的易经新释方法(祥见《伏羲文化研究》2007年第3期),对易经之大过卦进行了传统阐释与现代新释之比较研究,提出了大过卦新的阐释系统,同时利用现代手段模拟了大过卦的变化规律,系统破解了大过卦的变化奥义,使该卦的卦辞、爻辞实现了现代意义上的数字化、符号化、图表化、语言化阐释,创设了大过卦之卦、爻变数、变化趋势图、变化模拟表等,并用新的数、符、图表、文等分别从变化模拟及变化趋势、应变法则、应变谋略等四个层次完成了对大过卦卦、爻的诠释,使大过卦的象数及义理在形式和内容上实现了新的系统发展,从而增强了大过卦的现代性和现代价值。 In order to innovate, develop, carry forward the culture of the classics and promote the development of the modern Yi-ology, it is of positive and modern significance to systematically explore the new way of interpreting the Book of Changes. Based on the new method of I Ching proposed by the author (Xiang see the “Fu Xi Cultural Studies” 2007 the third period), the larger study of the Book of Changes by the traditional explanation and the modern new release of the comparative study, , And at the same time using modern means to simulate the law of variation of large hexagrams, the system has solved the profound change of hexagrams so that the hexagrams of the hexagrams can be digitized, symbolized, graphified in the modern sense To explain and create a large hexagrams Gua, 爻 variable, change trends, changes in the simulation table, and with the new numbers, symbols, charts, text and other changes from the simulation and trends, the law of contingency, the strategy of four At the same time, it completed the interpretation of the hexagrams and hexagrams which are larger than hexagrams and realized the new systematic development in form and content, thus enhancing the modernity and modern value of overstepped hexagrams.
“沉迷”这词儿看起来,总是不咋理智的。一个人的魂魄沉到深深的水底,心窍被妖魔施法迷住了,那还是正常人吗?  我们习惯如此:当阳光透过窗帘,窗外嘈杂声又起,从睡梦中醒来,用清凉的水扑在脸上,清醒在这一刻就应该来临。吃什么样的早餐才营养,吐司橙汁还是油条豆浆;穿什么样的衣服才得体,是名媛外套还是淑女长裙;到单位后电腦一开便按部就班,收发往来邮件,遵循工作流程,偶尔开个小差,玩玩手机上上网,下班后找人撮
摘 要:里下河作家的乡村叙事总是流露出或浓或淡的生态意识。他们在对自然生态的书写中表现出对乡村自然景物的热爱与欣赏、对人与自然和谐相处的肯定与赞美、对违背生态规律的忧思与批判。这些作品已成了日渐消逝的乡土社会的珍贵记录。  关键词:里下河作家 乡村叙事 自然生态 意义  里下河作家的乡村叙事内容多样,风格各异,远非几句话就能说得清楚。但相同的生存环境、相似的成长经历、共同的文化背景又使他们的创作表
Ⅰ、选择填空。(共20小题,计20分)  A)选出下列各题的最佳答案。  ( )1、-Have you seen______pen?I left it here this morning.  -Is it______black one?I think I saw it somewhere.  A.a:the B.the;the C.a:a
春来了许久,依旧有些薄寒。晚饭过后,走出王垴下游的农家小院时,太阳默默地挂在西山的天空上。如血的夕阳,正在酝酿着一场晚霞,装扮孤寂的山野与峡谷。  置身于峡沟的水岸,暮色已有些苍茫。刚刚碧绿的水面,瞬间竟变得幽青而庄重。俯身掬起一捧水,一轮明月悄然于掌心,在水中摇曳,那样娇柔。静谧的山谷,苍茫的夜色,幽深的水面,娇柔的月光,已天然而成一幅美到极致的水墨画。是的,只有柔软的心境,才会收获山川,夜色,